Garden features with succulents

I haven't tried to grow succulents yet, but it seems like they are perfect candidates for creative containers that will give an interesting feature for any patio, porch or garden. What exactly are succulents? Succulents are plants with thick leaves which store water, which makes them ideal to survive droughts (and people who don't water their plants that much......).

 I found a variety of them on Mayesh

Different kinds of succulents listed at Mayesh.

Here are a few creative ideas for succulent containers:

Succulents planted in a wagon wheel from Two Men and a Little Farm

I love this idea of plants in a frame

 This next one has a tutorial link on how to do the mesh and frame.
There is a tutorial at Sliptalk on how to do the frame

I love the succulent sphere design and it looks fairly simple to make
Another great tutorial from Garden Therapy. Stephanie has plenty of great ideas, tutorials and beautiful garden images on her blog. Here is a tutorial on how to make a succulent wreath.
Succulent wreath from Stephanie at Garden Therapy
Another nice idea with a re purposed chair

Where is that old meat grinder I have somewhere in a  cabinet??

Now I feel like running out to the store and getting a few simple containers for my projects!!
