New Rug Shipment

I haven't posted in the last few weeks... I just received a rug shipment, and I feel like I just took an advanced crash course on importing. I definitely learned a lot.

I have the following styles in stock now: HTW0001, 0003, 0004, 0007, 0009, 0012, and 0013. Please see images below. Right now, they're available from me. Please let me know, if you have any questions.


Mandy Saile said…
Judit, from what I saw last time, your rugs are just beautiful and it's nice to see new ones up on your site. I hope our rug rack is holding up, ha ha. Miss you, Be Well and happy 'rugging':D Love Mandy
Judit Gueth said…
Thanks Mandy!

Yes, the rug rack is still holding...