Introducing Benjamin

I haven't dropped by for a long time... The last couple of months have been insanely busy, with the birth of our baby, the Interior Design Show, moving and new projects.
Here are a few pictures of Benjamin:

The IDS went really well. I never made it to the show though. My Honey, Ed did the setup (the same day Benjamin was born) and the tear down and five of my friends helped out at the booth. Thanks again Toni, Gwyneth, Val, Margie and Chamila.

Check out some pictures:

Ed at the opening gala
Toni and Christine at the opening gala
Margie and Ed
 Val on Saturday


Mandy Saile said…
Oh I can't wait to meet little Benjamin:D....if we were in TO we'd have helped with the IDS show as's been a crazy couple of months for your guys but your always handle everything beautifully...congrats again my beautiful friend:D
Art by Katalin said…
Happy motherhood! Vegre itt vagy ujra Judit! Mar vartam mikor teszel fel kepeket a kisbabadrol...utolag is sok szeretettel gratulalok szuletesehez! Benjamin tunderi aranyos!!:) Remelem pihenesre is jut idod az etetes..altatas.. es pelenkak cserelese kozott ;)
Tovabbi boldog babazast es tervezest!:)
Judit Gueth said…
Thanks guys! He's really adorable and he has such a beautiful smile. :-)