Print & Pattern Book

Today I received my order from Amazon with the "Print & Pattern" book in it. A while ago Bowie Style, the writer of Print & Pattern blog asked for submissions for her upcoming book and two of my prints made it! This time we didn't get a free copy of the book, but I didn't mind buying it from Amazon. It's definitely another eye candy! Packed with beautiful patterns for pattern freaks like me. :-) Here are my pages from the book.


Mandy Saile said…
Oh wow, another one...holy cow. I don't think I've seen these 2 patterns, they are so sweet Judit. More eye candy for sure, which includes yours:D Your gonna be the next Amy Butler at this rate:D good job chicken.
Wow! It isn't a wonder you love Print & Pattern. I'll be buying a copy too, for sure. I just fell inlove with your contribution, would you mind keeping up your good works?
Lori said…
Wow- so awesome! You must feel so great!