I really appreciated the opportunity to show my new wallpaper designs to a group of interior designers and decorators. Thank you Tatiana and Dennis from Interior Decor Resources Canada! Although we had technical difficulties - couldn't use the projector- the presenters just went with the flow and weren't bothered by the glitch at all. The first presenter, Mike from In2Walls.com had some interesting effects for the walls and floors. Next was Gayle Smith, who talked about Feng Shui, followed by Marilyn from The Drapery Den, who really knew drapery - although I know nothing about drapery, and the thought of it never really crosses my mind, I found her knowledge and enthusiasm impressive. I presented my new wallpapers after lunch. It went really well and my audience seemed interested. Hopefully, I'll get some pictures from Tatiana. The last presenter was Barbara from Hot Chicks with Style. She was very friendly, professional, naturally well put together and had some good tips on dressing and presenting yourself. After all, I had a good day at Designers Walk!